Sunday, August 3, 2008

Low Calorie Snacks to cure your Sweet Tooth

Have you decided that you would like to venture on this long road of getting healthy and losing weight with me? It’s defiantly going to be a long road, but it’s going to be completely worth it. I'm three weeks into it, and I tell you, I really feel good about myself. I have almost reached my first mini goal of 20 pounds lost, and I am starting to feel great about myself. I still have a long road ahead of me though. Still have 61 pounds to go to reach my ultimate goal. Then once I get their, I have to learn how to maintain my weight so I don’t end up on this path again. As you have read in my previous entry's, you have learned that I am on a low calorie diet. With the low calorie diet , its suggested that you eat small frequent meals and have a few snacks throughout the day. This is so your body does not go into starvation mode. So what are some snacks that you can have? Well, First let me just say this. You can not deprive yourself of all the things you love. The key is moderation. I still eat some sweets, I just don’t eat as much and not often. Here are some of the snacks that you can eat, and still enjoy your food.

100 calorie packs are the new craze. Its easy to see why they are. I am obsessed with these things. They give me the sweet food I want, and they are portioned just right. You can grab the whole pack, and you know its only 100 calories. Some of my favorites are The mini cupcakes. Just like the regular cupcakes. They have the cupcake, frosting and the cream filling. Its not diet food. It’s the same ingredients they use in their regular ones. These ones are just bite sized. You get three in a pack, which is just about perfect. I also enjoy their chips. I often eat a turkey sandwich on light wheat bread and grab a pack of the chips. It’s perfect for me, and that lunch really fills me up. This way, I don’t over eat on the chips. Some other things they have are cookies, crackers and mixes. They are good and really help you stay on track.

Apples seem to be my kick also lately. I cut up an apple and for around 70 calories, I can eat the whole thing. Not only does this have a lot of good nutrition for me, but its also naturally sweet, which helps my sweet tooth at times. Its also a good side, when you cook dinner and cant eat everything the family does. I often make my family a normal dinner and I just eat the meat and vegetables and then a cut up apple. I skip any potatoes or pasta that is made with dinner. Of course there are times I just cant eat what the family is having (still have to give them variety) so I will just make myself something different.

Before my diet, I use to love eating a special treat at night. It was hard for me to break this habit. While I realize eating at night is not the smartest thing to do, its actually something you should do while on a low calorie diet. Its just what you eat at night can be the problem. Because you are eating small frequent meals so your body does not go into starvation mode, you should still eat something small at night. I have found that I love eating either the apple or weight watchers ice cream. Their ice cream is really good, much to my surprise. I have had their fudge pops, which are awesome and I have also had a few different kinds of their single serving cups. The fudge pops are huge and have 110 calories In them. These single serving cups which are a pretty large serving, end up with 120-140 calories in them. Last night I tried the chocolate chip cookie dough in the single serving pack. I was very surprised at how good it actually was. So as long as you have the calories left, you can still eat some foods like this. Just make sure you figure these into your normal calorie count.

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