Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cholesterol Facts and Myths

Every wonder what’s true about your cholesterol and what’s not so true? Having high cholesterol can lead to blockages in your artery and become the root of many other problems.

To lower your cholesterol you just need to change the way you eat. This is true and it’s not true. While you do need to change your diet, that’s not all you need to change. Changing diet alone will not change your cholesterol levels.

If you eat healthy, exercise regularly then you are not at risk for high cholesterol. This is a myth. Genetics play a large role in your cholesterol level.

If you’re taking medication, you don’t need to change your lifestyle. This is a myth also. You’re never going to get better unless you make changes in your life.

These are just a few myths and facts to get you going. Have your cholesterol levels checked frequently, specially if it runs in your family.

Total Cholesterols levels should be

Ideal... 200 or lower
Borderline... 201-239
High... 240 and up

If you have read this, and think you have high Cholesterol, then make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can. A doctor is the only one who can correctly diagnose this problem.

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