Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Low Calorie

I am back and going to explain the Low Calorie diet some . This should give you a better understanding of a low Calorie Diet.

I am currently on 1200 calories. This means that I can not have any more then 1200 calories in a day. I also shouldn't have less then 1200 if possible. Talk with your doctor to decided whats the right amount of calories for you.

With doing the Low calorie diet, I have found this to be so much easier then any other diet. Reason is, I can still eat some of my favorite foods. I don't have to give up everything, which was very hard for me on other diets. After all, this is going to be a life style change, not something temporary.

Being on the low calorie diet, I have learned to pay close attention to what goes into my mouth. I also keep a food log, and that seems to help. I use an online version, so it helps me keep track of what I eat and whats in it. is the place that I use. I always input the food before I eat it. This way, I can see how much I can have, and if I decided that might not be for me. I have also learned, if I eat things that are better for me, then I can have more food.

I can still have a lot of the normal foods just small portions. That's a big factor, is learning what an actual serving is. I still cook normal food for my family, since they are not trying to lose weight. But if the kids have mac&cheese or potatoes, I just don't eat them. Instead I will have the meat and a vegetable or meat and a cut op piece of fruit.

I challenge each one of you for today, substitute something your eating at the dinner table. If you have potatoes, then skip them and eat a piece of fruit with dinner.

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